Google Form with Contact Information – required for all coaches and helpers
Please fill out this Google form so we have your contact information
2024 Coach/Volunteer Info
Volunteer Application –required for all coaches and helpers
Volunteer App (for first time coaches/helpers)
Returning Volunteer App (for returning coaches/helpers)
USA Baseball Abuse Awareness for Adults Course – required for all coaches and helpers
If you need to create an account please follow these directions:
Go to the website below and register for an account by clicking "Sign In/Register" at the top right.
When registering for an account leave the "Organizations" dropdown blank and under "Little League-Local Leagues" choose "Little League International".
Once signed in, under the Education tab, go to Courses and enroll in the Abuse Awareness for Adults course.
Coaches Code of Conduct– required for all coaches
Coaches Code of Conduct
Download the Little League Rulebook App
Rulebook App
A copy of all required documents (can be a picture or screenshot) must be submitted to [email protected]
These documents must be completed before practices and games start.